Terminal Communication Solutios
Operate Tank Terminal Deport Safely and Efficiently Through Timely Communication
Start planning or upgrade your operation communication with our explosion proof walke talki and mobile phone. It’s time to improve communication across multiple parties and capture the IOT based digital transformation benefit!
System Confguration
Log in Defne user/ Storage data/ Product groups/ Raw products/ Set up tanks/ Tank compound/ Tank surveillance/ Product defnition/fnal products Set up/ meters/ Product text/ Tax type
Truck Management
Customers/adresses ID-cards/ Trucks/ Barges/ Rail cars
Active loadings
Document data / Missing amounts/ Manual loading/ Generate manual loading order/ Assign manual laoding order/ Change density/ Change tanks/ Change raw products/ Preselections/ Block meters/ Abort selection/ Product reception/ Product reception manually/measured
Product movement between tanks/ Product movement with/without measurement /Change of product dedication/ Product dedication measured/unmeasured Change of accounting/ Additive adjustment/ Inventory difference/ Inventory difference measured/unmeasured Depreciation of products/ Dehydration/ Product changes/
Journals/ Inventory/ Single inventories Measurements/Change of density/ Product movement list/ Truck loadings/ Meter reports/ Customs declarations
Archiving/ Journals/ Delivery notes/ System Support/ Log out/ Languages/ Printers

- TPTAS manages and automates both business and operations throughout the terminal: ` Securely manages terminal access by personnel and vehicles by verifying the validity of license, permits, and certificates ` Manages bulk product receipts and disposals (marine, pipeline, rail) ` Manages intra-tank farm activities (tank-to-tank transfers, in-tank reconsignments) ` Manages road loading and unloading orders ` Provides multi-level inventory accounting (tank physical, tank book, supplier, supplier/tank, gain/loss)
Asphalt Chemicals Crude/LNG LPG
The TPTAS manages product movements and inventory for any of size terminal handling products by volume or mass.

Integration with AI
Our system is integrated with CCTV monitor system with potential to incorporate AI based vision detection system.
Our Services
We know what tools is best for your business and help you to implement them!!!

Process advice means analyzing your company and working with you to develop a strategy that will allow you to improve your logistics processes for the long term.

Intelligent business automation
You know how to run terminals. We know how to run terminal automation projects.

Analytics & advisory
Digitalization generates huge volumes of real-time data about your business. By augmenting this data with external information (such as weather conditions, tanker locations, price fluctuations, etc.), you can use it to steer your business more precisely and predictively.

Expert Project Management
System Design Specification / System planning/ Standardization and integration/ System configuration and testing / Hardware procurement/ Installation and commissioning/ Instrument engineering/ Application development/ Regional and worldwide rollout/ Training and documentation/ System maintenance/ Product and system support/ Long term application support
All Terminal Operational Mode Covered
Pipeline / Road/ Marine /Rail
Tank farm
Transfers/ Reconsignments
Physical /Book /Supplier
Driver /Vehicle /Surveyor
Exceptional Customer Services
Comprehensive Support
Standard 24x7x365 support
Support available for both the software
and the configured application
In-depth training at your site or ours