For custody metering of the dispatched product from the terminal there are there are two methods The custody metering of product dispatched from terminal can be carried out using either flow meter or weigh bridge. Generally in most of the terminals the metering of dispatched product is carried out using Weigh Bridge and same is […]
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What does the the tank truck loading system comprise of?
The truck lorry filling system comprises of following major components. As OISD recommendations loading pumps shall be provided with additional explosion proof switch located at the strategic location in the gantry to switch off the pump in case of emergency such as over flow, fire or any other abnormal situation. Also automated locations should provide […]
Terminal Access Control & CCTV monitor system
RFID Based Truck Identification System This system is very useful in reducing errors in terminals. It also reduces processing time of the various operations in dispatch. Various components of the RFID based truck identification system are as mentioned below. Traffic Signalling System This is very useful for properly guiding the vehicles inside the terminal and […]